Mad Maths Minutes
Adding 1 (within 100)
Subtracting 1 (within 100)
Adding 1 (within 100) Tricky Ones
Subtracting 1 (within 100) Tricky Ones
Adding/Subtracting 1 (within 100)
Add 1/10 within 10/100.
Subtract 1/10 within 10/100
Adding 10 to multiples of 10
Subtracting 10 from a multiple of 10
Add a 1-digit number to a multiple of 10.
Add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number.
Subtract a 1-digit number from a multiple of 10.
Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number.
Add or subtract a 1-digit number to or from a multiple of 10.
Add or subtract a 1-digit number to or from a 2-digit number.
Make 10 / Make 100 (Multiples of 10)
Add 10 to a 2-digit number (within 100)
Subtract 10 from a 2-digit number
Add/subtract 10 with 2-digit numbers (within 100)
Add multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers (within 100)
Subtract multiples of 10 from 2-digit numbers
Add/subtract multiples of 10 (2-digit)
Add 1s (within 10) and related 10s (within 100)
Subtracting 1s (within 10) and related 10s (within 100)
Add 10 / Add 9 (2-digit)
Subtract 10 / subtract 9 (2-digit)
Add / Subtract 9 (2-digit)
Add 10 / Add 11 (2-digit)
Subtract 10 / Subtract 11 (2-digit)
Add / Subtract 11 (2-digit)
Column Addition Within 100 (No Regrouping)
Consolidation of written addition within 100 (no regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Column Subtraction Within 100 (No Regrouping)
Consolidation of written subtraction within 100 (no regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Horizontal to Column Addition Within 100
Consolidation of written addition within 100 with no regrouping. Set of 5 sheets.
Horizontal to Column Subtraction Within 100
Consolidation of written subtraction within 100 with no regrouping. Set of 5 sheets.
Expanded Addition Within 100 (No Regrouping)
Consolidation of expanded column addition within 100 (no regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Column Addition Within 100 (All Regrouping)
Consolidation of written addition within 100 (all regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Column Subtraction Within 100 (All Regrouping)
Consolidation of written subtraction within 100 (all regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Consolidation of written addition within 100 with all regrouping. Set of 5 sheets.
Horizonal To Column Subtraction Within 100
Expanded Addition Within 100 (All Regrouping)
Consolidation of expanded addition within 100 (all regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Column Addition Within 100 (Mixed Regrouping)
Consolidation of written addition within 100 (mixed regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Column Subtraction Within 100 (Mixed Regrouping)
Consolidation of written subtraction within 100 (mixed regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Horizonal To Column Addition Within 100
Expanded Addition Within 100 (Mixed Regrouping)
Consolidation of expanded addition within 100 (mixed regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Expanded Subtraction Within 100 (No Regrouping)
Consolidation of expanded subtraction within 100 (no regrouping). Set of 5 sheets.
Adding/Subtracting 1 (within 100) Interactive
Set your time and see how many one more/one less (within 100) questions you can answer. Use the number grid to help if needed.
Add 1-digit to a multiple of 10
Set your time and see how many questions you can answer.
Subtract a 1-digit number from a multiple of 10
Add 1-digit and 2-digit numbers interactive
Set your time and see how many questions you can answer. Use the number track to help if needed.
Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number
Add/Subtract 1-digit and 2-digit Numbers
Top Marks
Addition and subtraction games from Top Marks.